This post contains all of the articles in the November 2018 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
The Taunton & Somerset Improvement Model (Fab, October 2018)
The Taunton & Somerset Blended Methodology (Fab, October 2018)
Approaches to better value in the NHS, improving quality and cost (The King’s Fund, Oct 2018)
Quality Improvement in hospital trusts, sharing learning from trusts on a journey of QI (CQC, Sept 2018)
Videos, Embedding quality improvement skills with Pedro Delgado (NHS Improvement, Aug 2018)
Staff improvement ideas get a boost with new app (UCL Partners, Nov 2018)
Briefing: Reducing emergency admissions: unlocking the potential of people to better manage their long term conditions (The Health Foundation, Aug 2018)
Briefing: Rethinking outpatient services: learning from an interactive workshop (Nuffield Trust, Aug 2018)
Please, write to me. Writing outpatient clinic letters to patients guidance (AOMRC, Sept 2018)
Advice line for GPs saves hours of travel for patients and £100k to be reinvested back into NHS (NHS England, Nov 2018)
The app giving power to outpatients at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS FT (Digital Health, Oct 2018)
Group Appointments - NHS efficiency savings are unsustainable (London Business School, Oct 2018)
Patient Experience
Shared decision making: Staying focused on the ultimate goal (NEJM Catalyst, Sept 2018)
Improving Hospitalist Patient Experience Scores: The Importance of Physician-to-Physician Coaching and Medical Director Engagement (NEJM Catalyst, Aug 2018)
Getting more health from healthcare: quality improvement must acknowledge patient coproduction (BMJ Sept 2018)
Models of Care
Unlocking capacity: smarter together, helping health and adult social care work better together, 7 Case studies (Quality Matters)
‘Virtual wards’ reduce readmissions in people after hospitalisation for heart failure (NIHR Signal, Aug 2018)
A year of integrated care systems: reviewing the journey so far (The King’s Fund, Sept 2018)
Efficiency and Planning
Five tests for the NHS long term plan (NHS Providers, Sept 2018)
Making the most of efficiency and the long term plan (NHS Providers, Oct 2018)
Steeling ourselves for winter 2018/19 (NHS Providers, Oct 2018)